American Journal of Undergraduate Research (AJUR) is an independent, faculty peer-reviewed, open-source, no-cost-to-authors, quarterly, multidisciplinary student research journal. AJUR’s print ISSN 1536-4585 was established in 2002 by Dr. Cliff Chancey of the University of Northern Iowa, a true champion of undergraduate research. “Dr. Chancey’s perspective was that the importance of peer-reviewed research articles authored by undergraduates could not be overstated,”- as noted in Memoriam dedicated to Cliff. In 2013, for a year, Carl N. Drummond and Cathleen M. Carosella of Indiana University-Purdue University took care of AJUR. In March of 2014, an independent editorial team stepped in to lead the AJUR (Drs. Kestutis Bendinskas as the Editor-in-Chief, Tony Contento as the Copy Editor, and Peter Newell as the Associate Editor). Rose Throop, the copy editor and print shop liaison in 2014-2018, played a crucial role in defining the current style and aesthetics of AJUR. The journal obtained the formal Library of Congress web ISBN 2375-8732 and .org web presence in 2014. By the invite in 2015, AJUR‘s entire content has been indexed internationally by EBSCO. In 2018, AJUR was incorporated in New York State as an independent not-for-profit organization. In 2019, AJUR was registered by Crossref as an organization entitled to provide DOI numbers to all of its articles. AJUR‘s entire content- by the invite in 2019- is archived by the United States Library of Congress. In early 2021, AJUR was registered as a charitable organization by NY State (NYReg# 48-18-81) and as a 501(c)(3) (EIN 831726417 under IRC by the US Department of Treasury). In 2021, Peter Newell became the Editor-in-Chief of AJUR.
The current administrative-editorial team of AJUR is:
Peter Newell- Editor-in-Chief (2021-present)
Tony Contento- Copy Editor & Treasurer (2014-present)
Kestutis Bendinskas- Executive Editor (2014- present)
For questions relating to new or prospective submissions:[at]
For all other questions and correspondence: ajureditor[at]
Editorial Board of AJUR, sorted by the subject areas reviewed so far:
Dr. Dean Crawford, dean.crawford[at]
Dr. Lisa Seppi, lisa.seppi[at]
Behavioral Neuroscience
Dr. Aileen M. Bailey, ambailey[at]
Dr. Nin Dingra, dingra_n[at]
Dr. Kestutis Bendinskas, kestutis.bendinskas[at]
Dr. Jorge I. Rodriguez, jorger[at]
Dr. Jessica Amber Jennings, jjnnings[at]
Dr. John R. Jungck, jungck[at]
Dr. Isabelle Bichindaritz, ibichind[at]
Biology, Physiology
Dr. David Dunn, david.dunn[at]
Biology, Developmental
Dr. Poongodi Geetha-Loganathan, p.geethaloganathan[at]
Biology, Microbiology
Dr. Peter Newell, peter.newell[at]
Dr. Julien Bachelier, julien.bachelier[at]
Dr. Alfredo Castro, castroa[at]
Dr. Charles Kriley, cekriley[at]
Dr. Vadoud Niri, vadoud.niri[at]
Computer Sciences
Dr. Dele Oluwade, deleoluwade[at]
Dr. Mais W Nijim, Mais.Nijim[at]
Dr. Bastian Tenbergen, bastian.tenbergen[at]
Computational Chemistry
Dr. Alexander Soudackov, alexander.soudackov[at]
Dr. Chloe Lash, clash[at]
Dr. Elizabeth Schmitt, elizabeth.schmitt[at]
Dr. Marcia Burrell, marcia.burrell[at]
Dr. Charity Dacey, Touro University, cdacey[at]
Education, Physics
Dr. Andrew D. Gavrin, agavrin[at]
Engineering, Electrical
Dr. Michael Omidiora, momidior[at]
Engineering, Environmental
Dr. Félix L Santiago-Collazo, fsantiago[at]
Film and Media Studies
Dr. Lauren Steimer, lsteimer[at]
Dr. Ashely Young, AY13[at]
Dr. Rachel Lee, rachel.lee[at]
Dr. Richard Weyhing, richard.weyhing[at]
Dr. Murat Yasar, murat.yasar[at]
Honorary Editorial Board Member
Dr. Lorrie Clemo, lorrie.a.clemo[at]
Bill Wickard, Esq, William.Wickard[at]
Dr. David Senchina, david.senchina[at]
Dr. Taylor Miller, taylor.miller[at]
Literary Studies
Dr. Melissa Ames, mames[at]
Dr. Douglas Guerra, douglas.guerra[at]
Dr. Roza Aceska, raceska[at]
Dr. Mark Baker, mark.baker[at]
Dr. Christopher Baltus, christopher.baltus[at]
Dr. Monday Nnakwe, mondaynnakwe[at] (Auburn University)
Dr. Dele Oluwade, deleoluwade[at]
Medical Sciences
Dr. Thomas Mahl, tmahl[at]
Dr. Jessica Amber Jennings, jjnnings[at]
Dr. Steven Skubis, steven.skubis[at]
Nanoscience and Chemistry
Dr. Gary Baker, bakergar[at]
Dr. Priyanka Rupasinghe, priyanka.rupasinghe[at]
Political Science
Dr. Kaden Paulson-Smith, kpaulsonsmith[at]
Dr. Matthew Dykas, matt.dykas[at]
Dr. Damian Kelty-Stephen, keltystd[at]
Dr. Kenneth Barideaux Jr., kbaridea[at]
Social Sciences
Dr. Dana Atwood, atwoodd[at]
Dr. Rena Zito, rzito[at]
Dr. Mark Baker, mark.baker[at]
Technology, Engineering
Dr. Reg Pecen, regpecen[at]
Dr. Chloe Lash, CLash[at]
Thank you for your interest and for your support of undergraduate research.